Last night I was received an email from my friend. It was an interesting thing that peoples have to know. Last 28th of march 2009, all countries had been joined and supported 'an earth hour' programme. All peoples in this world have to switched off lamps, due to that programme. Earth Hour in Malaysia is planned and run by WWF-Malaysia and its partners. All peoples were encouraged to participate in Earth Hour on the
28 March 2009 by turning off your lights for one hour from 8.30pm-9.30pm. Can you imagine if our earth's temperature is above 35 degrees? It's to heat condition. And I think, people will feel uncomfortable about the heat condition. Save our planet!
In Victoria the temperature has been above 44 degrees all week and they are forecasting another week of 40+ temperatures. Power is failing, trains have stopped running because tracks are buckling under the heat . It’s just scorching and it seems that the people are not the only ones suffering.
Check out these photos of a little Koala which just walked onto a back porch looking for a bit of heat relief. The woman filled up a bucket for it and this is what happened!
A guy at work lives at Maude. His wife sent him these photos of a little Koala which just walked into the back porch looking for a bit of heat relief. She filled up a bucket and this is what happened!
heat wave is a prolonged period of excessively hot
weather, which may be accompanied by high
humidity. There is no universal definition of a heat wave
,the term is relative to the usual weather in the area. Temperatures that people from a hotter climate consider normal can be termed a heat wave in a cooler area if they are outside the normal
climate pattern for that area.
The term is applied both to routine weather variations and to extraordinary spells of heat which may occur only once a century. Severe heat waves have caused catastrophic crop failures, thousands of deaths from
hyperthermia, and widespread
power outages due to increased use of
air conditioning.

Source : email